Thursday, November 11, 2010

New FDA Guidelines for Dog Food

How many of you have heard of the new recommendations the FDA is trying to pass regarding a zero tolerance for salmonella in all dog food, raw included?  The FDA is going to mandate that all manufacturers cook, irradiate, pasteurize, or high pressure process.  This will serious impact small businesses like me.  Several manufacturers and I are banding together to try to urge the FDA to reconsider their position and re-classify the dog food category into raw and processed.

Please go to, search under FDA, open comments, keyword…Salmonella in Animal Feed or Docket# HFA-305.  I urge you to comment – the deadline to submit is December 31, 2010.

Here are my comments to the FDA...OC Raw Dog Comments for FDA Docket #HFA-305

FDA recommendations...Guidance_for_Industry_Raw_Diets[1]

Friday, August 13, 2010

70% Less POOP

I know, it sounds too good to be true.  But when your dog/cat is eating RAW there is sooooo much less poop to pick up.  Dogs metabolize fat and protein the way we metabolize carbs and protein.  Dogs and cats do not need grains and rice.  They are considered "fillers" and is why kibble eaters produce soooo much poop.  Not to mention a lot of our beloved animals and companions are developing allergies - red eyes, chronic ear infections, yeast infections between the toes itchy skin, excessive shedding, etc.  This is a picture of what "Vito" my mini English Bulldog made :) and after it was in the sun for a day. 

Biologically, Cats should eat the same as lions, and dogs should eat like coyotes & wolves.  Neither of which cook their food.  So stop feeding kibble...    Trust me once you start feeding raw you will never go back to kibble.