Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Japan is allowing whale to be used in pet treats... What???

I just got notice of the following article published by

Icelandic whales exported to Japan for use in petfood

Environmental Investigation Agency says Iceland is hunting North Atlantic fin whales for dog treats

Release Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013 Comments(0)
Meat from North Atlantic fin whales is being sold by Iceland to Japan to be used in pet treats, according to a report.
Iceland plans to resume commercial whaling in June, which is expected to result in catching of more than 180 whales over the next few months.
However, the Environmental Investigation Agency is accusing the country's government of breaching a global moratorium on whale hunting, calling the inclusion of the whale species in specialty dog foods in Japan "grotesque." According to the agency's senior campaigner, Clare Perry, "almost 100 percent" of whale meat is being exported to Japan from Iceland.  
Fin whales are at a very high risk of extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but Iceland says the fin whale population has increased enough that it can withstand sustainable hunting.